Finished this month some things because of the small exhibition of our patchworkgroup.
Above a small wallhanging.. most in paperpiecing.

De onderkant van de berenplaid.

Het patroon komt van http://www.fatcatpatterns.com/
The plaid for a singlebed.. put this one for a photo on a 2-personsbed. The pattern is from an older BOM from fatcatpatterns.
A bag, the front side from selvages and the other side in crazytechnique and some selvages.
En de achterkant..

Tot slot "Red Delicious... "
Also finished the Red Delicious..

Tot slot "Red Delicious... "
Also finished the Red Delicious..
Deze maand nog niets gedaan aan mijn weblog.. druk geweest met de voorbereidingen van de tentoonstelling van ons patchworkgroepje.
De eerste tentoonstelling is inmiddels achter de rug... (1 dag) en de tweede van 4 dagen begint 3 juni.
De eerste tentoonstelling is inmiddels achter de rug... (1 dag) en de tweede van 4 dagen begint 3 juni.
Foto,s van de tentoonstelling komen volgende maand.
The first exhibition was only one day.. the second one will be on June 3 till June 6.
After that I will give a link to the photo,s.