Bovenstaande de crystal van december en hier onder van November.
First the best wishes for 2012 off course.
Above the crystal of December and below the one of November.
Connected all the crystals and started with the first border.

Quilted two rows of the "floating blocks".
De eerste 15 huisjes van het "buiding houses from scrap" project.

Als omranding een rode sashing en blauwe cornerstones.
Made 15 houses . Will connect them with a red border and blue corner stones.
5 Dear Jane blokken gemaakt.

E12 Mary Ruth,s Corset, F7 Star truck,E8 Mama,s Maze, E5 Rising Sun enE2 Merry May.
And last... 5 blocks of the Dear Jane.
Started with a new project "optical illusion".. too early for a picture from this one.