The end of June .. days are going fast. It,s hot in Marmaris but still I am doing some patchwork .
The small wallhanging is hardly finished.. a little bit more quilting and a small border is left.

In the meantime working on "The flower in my heart" a BOM from Guute

June 22 was my 50th birthday. My mother made this wallhanging for me.. off course this one is very special for me.

I became a member of a Yahoogroup and started to make a sampler of blocks in 6.5 inch.
Made 8 blocks and will put a photo next month. I like this sampler because there are a lot of different styles
Zoals beloofd ook de foto,s van de patchworktentoonstelling van ons groepje in Marmaris.
De eerste foto,s zijn van de "buiten tentoonstelling" en verderop van de tentoonstellin die binnen werd gehouden. Er zijn ook foto,s te zien van werkstukken die andere dames hebben gemaakt met hun "schildersgroep" - "borduurgroep" etc. etc.
In the winter in Marmaris a few ladies and myself are doing patchwork together and at the end there was a small exhibition. One day outside in a small district what belongs to Marmaris and three days in Marmaris itself.
Some other ladies are painting together.. other ones embroidery etc. etc.